Services We Offer

For Local Residents

Do you want to avail services offered by this Municipality?
This webpage will provide you a complete details on how to satisfy your queries.

For Investors

Are you looking for a good and safe place to invest your money? Don't think twice, our community has the best spot for you.
Start investing with us.

For Visitors

More interesting places to see, adventures to explore that will surely satisfy your vacation.
"Come and visit Bongabong"

Mayor's Profile
Mayor Elegio A. Malaluan O.D.

       For `some, he is the “Action Man;” for others, he is the “Super Mayor.” But, for most people, he is Mayor Doc Elgin --- the savvy businessman-turned-politician who has endeared himself to the local public with his various feats and accomplishments as Local Chief Executive, and for championing the cause of the common people true to his political credo, “Espesyal Ang Masa.”

       Bongabong is now hailed as one of the fast-emerging municipalities in the region with Mayor Elgin at the helm --- steering Bongabong to greater heights with his lofty vision of cityhood for the municipality.

The Sangguniang Bayan of Bongabong

       The legislative wing of the Local Government Unit of Bongabong, comprised of esteemed men and women who have captured the hearts of the local electorate, has been the consummate other half for the Local Chief Executive and the Executive Branch.

       Vice Mayor Totoy Candelario and the SB Team have always been the authoritative chamber enacting local legislation, but more importantly working hand in hand with the Local Chief Executive in seeing through to completion the strategic thrusts and priorities of the current administration.

Mayor Elgin's HEARTSPO Program

       The priority thrust of the Platform of Governance under the Elegio Malaluan Administration in the Municipality of Bongabong, province of Oriental Mindoro is centered around the Local Chief Executive’s very own brainchild program --- dubbed as H.E.A.R.T.S.P.O.

       It serves as a guiding principle of which his style of governance is founded upon. H.E.A.R.T.S.P.O. is an acronym that stands for…
H - Humility, Health and Housing
E - Environment, Education and Economy
A - Agriculture
R - Roads and Infrastructure
T - Transparency, Tourism and Transportation
S - Social Services
P - Public Safety and Peace
O - Order

Places To Visit

Our humble Municipality of Bongabong is endowed with natural bounties teeming with natural wonders such as its scenic mountainous terrains and rolling hills, beaches, rivers, and waterfalls, apart from its other attractions like the 18th Century National Landmark of Kuta Shrine and the eco-tourism gem that is the Gabutero Organic Farm and Resort, among others. All these plus many other local places that are still yet to be explored and just waiting to be tapped.

Tawiran sa Mapang

It's time to have fun and Relax

Tawiran sa Mapang

Rolling Hills in Bongabong

Breathtaking view

Rolling Hills

Gabutero Farm

Get ready to experience nature at its finest

Gabutero Farm

Tangisan Falls

Explore the hidden beauties of Bongabong

Tangisan Falls

Kuta Shrine

An Ancient Piece of History

Kuta Shrine

Lisap Bridge

The longest bridge in Oriental Mindoro

Lisap Bridge

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