Brief History

        Bongabong is a 1st class muncipality. Regarding urbanization it is classified as partly urban. As it occupies an area of 498.20 km². By the end of 2015 it was the home of 72,073 residents. Thus by average 122.70 people living on one square kilometer. The municipality of Bongaobng is seated about 102 km south-souht-east of Calapan City.

        Tackling the history of the Muncipality of Bongabong, it was established in the 16th century as Binagao, a Mangyan work meaning "big and dangerous river". The Spaniards erected a fort and church at Sucol (now Brgy. Anilao), an area near the Bongabong River. It was first administered by Jesuits from Naujan and later by the Recollects from Mangarin. The town was moved to Sitio Mararog and later to its present site. After the revolution, it was renamed Sumilang ("born") by Juan Naguit and got its present name during the American era. It is said that an American soldier shot the fruit of a beetle nut locally called bunga. The bunga and the sound of the gun (bong) were combined into one word and came to be associated with the place.

        In 1901, many residents were garrisoned at the kuta as the town was burned by American soldiers after an uprising led by Antonio Jalos. After civil government was organized in 1902, the town was downgraded to a barrio of Pinamalayan. It became a separate municipality again on November 7, 1927 by virtue of Philippine Legislative Act No. 3415. On January 1, 1941, it was the first town liberated by American forces in Easther Mindoro.

The Municipality of Bongabong can be reach through different land transportations such as private and public vehicles but the locals often use van to take less time from Calapan City. Approximate time of travel is 2 and half hours from the City of Calapan.

Mangyan Tribes of Bongabong are the Buhids and Bangons


Population Size by Census Year

Cencus Year
2007 2010 2015





Actual and Projected Population and Number of Household, Growth Rate

2015 2015 (Projected) Growth Rate
Actual Total Population Projected No. of Households Total Population No. of Households 2000-2010 2010-2015








Urban-Rural Population

No. of Barangays Population 2010 Population 2015
Urban Rural Total Urban % Rural % Urban % Rural %













Population Density

Gross Population Density (per sq. km.) Urban Population Density (per sq. km.) Estimated Population Density (per sq. km.)
2010 2015 2010 2015 2025







Investment Priority Areas


        Built from corals and limestones by Augustinian Recollects in the early 17th century, the Kuta church ruins is a declared national historical landmark in the municpality of Bongabong. Lush humongous balete trees now covers the 400-year-old relic. Access road development, and its physical restoration is what Kuta Shrine needs to become one of the famous eco-tourism destinations in the south, attracting more tourists as it helps in the income generation of the municipality. It is one of the investment emphasized by the municipality for further improvement.

        Physical Development and Access Road Development of Bongabong Caves is also being prioritized by the municipality as caves in the Muncipality of Bongabong are commonly found in remote places and it takes long walks and a hike before reaching rare and marvelous caves. The roads leading to these destinations needs to be developed as well as the vicinity of the caves on order to provide as easier access and convenient transport towards the tourist destination. Potential activities include hiking and cave exploration.


        With the total rice area of 114, 381.90 hectares and 30,131 rice farmers serving as the major source of economic activity in the province, a rice noodle production or a manufacturing plant set up is eyed to be a potential investment in the said field. Due to the abundance of rice in the province, investors may also explore into the development of other-rice-based yields in the are like: commercial/ brown rice, rice cakes, rice noodles, wine, flour, pop rice, pinipig and ganola bars.

        At present are only few operational hatcheries in the province therefore it is proposed to establish more of these in the municipalities of Bongabong, Baco, Naujan as well as in the City of Calapan to be able to cater the need for larval and juvenile fish, shellfish and crustaceans production. It is primarily a support to the aquaculture chain in the province where they are transferred eventually to fish farms, to reach harvest size and ready for market selling.


        Project which is to be proposed for the establishment and to be able to accomodate the inadequate power supply in the province namely is the Installation of Grid Tied Solar Rooftop and Off-Grid Solar Power Systems. The project herein proffered involves installation of photovoltaic systems on the rooftops of government buildings in the Provincial Capitol Builidings, Calapan City and 12 Local Goverment Units which all aims to reduce their respective power costs and stabilize power supply


        In terms of Business Process Out-sourcing & Information Technology development in the province, project seen to be able to cater the increasing demand is the Business Outsourcing Secured and COVID-19 Free (BOsCoF). The project BOsCoF aims to develop economic growth and awareness in the province, also introducing incentives to BPO companies.


        The Provincial Health Office (PHO) with the Oriental Mindor Provincial Hospital (OMPH) as the end referral medical institution in the provice identified the following investment requirements in the Health & Wellness Services of Oriental Midoro.

        First is the construction of wide-ranging medical facilities especially the Cardiac Laboratory, Dialysis Center and Oncology unit. Due to the unavailability of facilities, most of the patients seek medication to nearby hospitals in Metro Manila. Having these facilities would bring conviniece to the patients to be treated in the comfort of their locally, and the need to travel in Metro Manila will be unnecessary.

        Secondly is the construction of Facilities for PWDs, the need to strengthen multi-sectoral action to harmonize efforts of stakeholders and to provide access to health facilities and services for PWDs are required to strengthen registration database for PWDs.

        Lastly is the construction of Geriatric Unit, the focal emphasis of this project is to have better access to health care with new and advanced medical facilities mentioned and it would benefit both the investors and the patients seeking immediate medical treatment within the province.

More About Bongabong

Agricultural Investment

Agricultural Investment

Tourism Investment

Investment Opportunities


List of Barangay

Bongabong Tourism

Source: Bongabong Public Information Office